Are the iDEA students sane..or insane??? *evil chuckle*
A collaboration between the iDEA 4D class and the Sociology department led to the creation of one of the more involved shoots of the semester. The craziness began when Prof. Peter Bill was approached by Noel Shearer, a psychology student at WNMU, about making a film for one of her class projects based on David Rosenham’s article “On Being Sane in Insane Places”, detailing a study in which sane people managed to get admitted to mental institutions and then details the problems they had getting discharged. Can sane people really be that different from insane people? The concept intrigued Robert Torres and Anna Davis, and a script was written and the students in the 4D class cast as various characters. Permission was obtained to film in the abandoned Ft. Bayard Hospital, a creepy locale if there ever was one. The entire class had a fun time getting into character-maybe a little too much fun? As a class we learned about the details involved in a larger shoot, as well as some of the issues that arise as more people get involved in a project. This project was also a great collaboration between different departments at WNMU and the Silver City community. This film also illustrated the fact that digital media can have a broad application for many fields.. such as making a dry intellectual paper into a fun film! And Sociology class presentations do not have to be boring. Noel got an A, and hopefully our iDEA students are no more crazy then usual…